In the News

Check out our latest press releases, news and media coverage
2017-05-31 |Press Release
Dogged training pays off when DYXnet Group’s dragon boat crew paddles to glory in the “Family + Fish DYXnet Group Charity Cup” race

2017-05-15 |Press Release
Entrepreneur role model and activist Lap Man contributes to CUHK Entrepreneur Day

2017-03-10 |Press Release
Coveted “Caring Company” status bestowed on DYXnet Group by long-established Hong Kong Council of Social Service

2016-11-29 |Media Coverage
South China Morning Post :Rising to the occasion

2016-11-28 |Press Release
DYXnet Group Founder and CEO Lap Man wins coveted “EY Entrepreneur of the Year China 2016” title

2016-10-25 |Press Release
DYXnet Group recognised and rewarded Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme

2016-10-14 |Press Release
DYXnet Group encourages entrepreneurs by taking on gold “Elevator World Tour™ Hong Kong” sponsorship

2016-08-20 |Media Coverage

2016-08-11 |Press Release
DYXnet Group Establishes Ultra High-end Carrier-grade Connectivity Between Key Asian Data Centres

2016-07-21 |Press Release
10G backbone ring built by DYXnet Group now embraces Greater China’s major cities

2016-07-21 |Media Coverage
搜狐:第一线集团万兆骨干环 现已覆盖大中华区主要城市

2016-07-21 |Media Coverage
中国IDC圈:第一线集团万兆骨干环 现已覆盖大中华区主要城市

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