In the News

Check out our latest press releases, news and media coverage
2020-11-10 |Media Coverage
Yahoo news:DYXnet Group Wins the Asia Pacific Zero Outage Supplier Award 2019 from T-Systems

DYXnet Group Wins the Asia Pacific Zero Outage Supplier Award 2019 from T-Systems
2020-11-10 |Press Release
DYXnet Group Wins the Asia Pacific Zero Outage Supplier Award 2019 from T-Systems

DIGITIME專題報導:第一線善用中立機房資源 將服務觸角延伸至東北亞
2020-10-27 |Media Coverage
DIGITIME專題報導:第一線善用中立機房資源 將服務觸角延伸至東北亞

Power Up business_2
2020-10-12 |Media Coverage
Learn how DYXnet powers Up businesses communications with new technologies from InvestHK’s case study

2020-09-08 |Media Coverage

WH04W5DWGO-IT Pro:第一線極速VPN與SD-WAN 跨境傳輸高效安全 (Traditional Chinese version only)
2020-08-14 |Media Coverage
IT Pro:第一線極速VPN與SD-WAN 跨境傳輸高效安全

2020-07-14 |Media Coverage
南方企業家:第一線集團行政總裁曾家寶: “後疫情”時代 挑戰與機遇並存 (Simplified Chinese version only)

DIGITIMES: 第一線集團攜手VMware 助企業構建SD-WAN跨國網絡 (Traditional Chinese version only)
2020-07-07 |Media Coverage
DIGITIMES: 第一線集團攜手VMware 助企業構建SD-WAN跨國網絡 (Traditional Chinese version only)

Dot Connector:直播复盘||云网融合现状对企业数字化转型的机遇?
2020-05-25 |Media Coverage
Dot Connector:直播覆盤||雲網融合現狀對企業數字化轉型的機遇?

DYXnet Group Donates Face Masks
2020-05-15 |Media Coverage
ET Net: DYXnet Group Donates Face Masks and Disinfectant Products to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

台灣產經新聞網: 第一線集團捐贈防疫物資予香港東華三院
2020-05-15 |Media Coverage
台灣產經新聞網: 第一線集團捐贈防疫物資予香港東華三院

DYXnet Group Donates Face Masks and Disinfectant Products to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
2020-05-07 |Press Release
DYXnet Group Donates Face Masks and Disinfectant Products to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

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